Landing page to entice indie musicians to search the database Users can search all songs, playlists, and artists

My friend streams an internet radio show called Night Swim Radio (NSR) a few times per week. His ethos has always been to support independent musicians as best he can. At one point we half-jokingly floated the idea of implementing a way for indie musicians to search through the 200+ show playlists from the NSR website. The playlists are not optimized for search indexing, so I started to imagine what it might look like to have a UI on the spins data.

After taking some notes about what the functionality might look like, how the data would be structured, and how I might scrape the data from his website to get it started, I spent a few hours on these designs. Hopefully, I find them inspirational enough to return to as a development side project in the future.

Spotify Wrapped style UI with spins statistic Artist info page with a links to streaming/download, list of every song to air on NSR, and playlists where that artist appears
Song info page with links to collaborators and the playlist where the song first aired on Night Swim Radio Spotify Wrapped style UI with spins quartile stat
Spotify Wrapped style UI with spins ranking Screen encouraging artists to share their results to promote themselves and Night Swim Radio