Video with case links

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MRI Online / Medality

MRI Online / Medality is a startup learning platform for radiologists, serving primarily video and quiz content. I am the only UX Designer/Researcher. I work with a product manager and five full-time, full-stack developers.

The product has roughly 300k page views per month and 2k monthly active users (video or quiz completion). We have over 8 million minutes of videos watched, 167k case files read, and an estimated 10 million patients impacted.

My accomplishments

As the only UX Designer / Researcher, I was responsible for a lot of the design, empowered by a lovely team of developers whom I would trust with my life. Unfortunately due to the high volume of projects, design decisions are sometimes made without me, especially relating to b2b and marketing projects, so not everything on the site was my choice.

  • Redesign of majority of the learning application for a platform migration
  • Created Dino Design System
  • Created key marketing landing pages for pricing and new products
  • Established Mixpanel as a product analytics source and wrote custom events to the codebase, as a replacement to Google Analytics (which needs to die a most painful death)
  • Created custom video player interface
  • Created Neflix-style homepage
  • Conducted research interviews and usability tests with global participants (many in Australia)